Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Conflict Photography Panel: An Intense, Intimate Discussion

The first night's panel on war photography- with Stephanie Sinclair, Andrea Bruce, Paula Bronstein, Stanley Greene, Ron Haviv, Kadir VL, Kael Alford, Ben Lowy, Guy Calaf, Eros Hoagland, Shaul Schwarz- and special surprise guest Anthony Suau, one of the world's great conflict photo-js- and moderated by Mike Robinson-Chavez, himself no stranger to conflict zones, turned into one of the more intense and personal discussions of the entire workshop. The topics ran the gamut from why people do this line of work to the emotional and psychological ramifications- and the high price to pay- for being a conflict photographer. Tears were shed (we wont say whose- youve got to be at some things) and brutal honesty reigned, from the emotional pain of seeing people die, the affects of PTSD- and how each person dealt with these affects- and the difficulty of maintaining personal lives in this industry. An audio and video clip of the event is forthcoming, but Ill leave you with some photos.

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